Our Capital Works and Planning Programs
The Board of Directors is currently involved in a range of programs to improve and or increase the ability of the Organisation to deliver care and services to the residents of the Manning Valley and the surrounding area.
The major upgrades at the moment are;
· The continuing redevelopment of the Bushland Place Administration, Chapel, Laundry, Kitchen facilities and the final expansion by 2 beds of Alkira Lodge to its full complement of 91 beds. This work is being completed in stages to allow relocations to occur and make areas for demolition accessible.
Photo shows internal view of the relocated Bushland Place Chapel which is almost ready for use by residents.
Once these works are completed and occupied the former main lounge and dining area of the Bushland Place Hostel will be converted to a Village Centre and Recreation area for the residents of Alkira Lodge and those in the Bushland Place Independent Units.
· The expansion of Banyula Lodge at Old Bar by the addition of 14 beds. This will increase the capacity to 94 however, the actual commissioning and occupation of these beds will, as indicated in the President’s report be delayed until staff are available to ensure the level of care can be maintained for the existing resident population of the Lodge.
Photo shows the new 14 bed extension of Banyula Lodge – Old Bar
The two major projects in the planning stages at the moment are;
· Manning Rise - this is a major development of the 60 acre property we have acquired which has frontage to both Wingham Road and Marie Avenue directly to the west of our Warrana Place on the eastern side of Marie Avenue. This will involve a large timeline development and building programs over the next 2 to 3 decades. The completed Manning Rise will have approximately 250 Independent Living Units, a 100 bed aged care facility and a major Village Centre which when complete will include clinic facilities, an entertainment and social meeting area and some village specific retail and service outlets such as hairdressing and library. The planning process is well underway and will be further developed to ensure what is being planned now in the early 2020’s will be relevant and appropriate to the needs and expectations of the retiring population in the second half of the century.
Architects site plan for the new Manning Rise Village
· Fig Trees on the Manning – we are currently heavily involved in the Commonwealth sponsored Community Development Grant for the infrastructure work of the Fig Trees on the Manning development first approved in a partnership agreement between the owners of the land and the Local Council in the early 2000’s.
These works at well underway and we are well into the planning process of 2 x 24 units, 3 storey towers with river frontage that we will operate as a vertical Independent Living Retirement village. These plans are well developed and interest through word of mouth contacts has been strong. We have created a waiting list of those who have expressed an interest and whom we will contact once further details are available.
Architects perspective of the proposed Fig Trees on the Manning Independent Living Units viewed from the river.